Julias Blog

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

MOH#8 President and Foriegn Affairs

1. Foreign policy had to be designed to claim land in Ohio River Valley without starting a war.
2. The United States started thinking about broadening the US into the Indian-infested wilderness.
3. Despite what many thought Washington decided to hold the lands west of the mountains.
4. The problem as to whether to make the wilderness settlements part of the nation troubled Washington.
5. Washington decided to aid the western settlers by considering putting Federalists troops with them.
6. Spain, supported by France, threatened to close the Mississippi to western American commerce.
7. By encouraging Indian War, France was determined to prevent US form settling into the central valley.
8. The westerners became more violent and bitter.
9. General opinion of the matter was to just defend what we have and not look to expand.
10. Washington didn’t restrain the western leaders but instead provided them with military commands.
11. A Federal army was sent in order to put an end to Indian Wars.
12. Washington predicted that the Indians allies, England, would sent troops to back them up.
13. War started between Spain and England which meant that one or the other would end up controlling the Mississippi River.
14. Hamilton was opposed the an expedition into the west because it would excite the English. Jefferson concluded that this signified that US would opposed against their land gain of the Mississippi. Washington made effort to show that this meant no threat to English controlled Detroit.
15. Ally ties between Spain and France broke.
16. The invasion in the west was quickly ended and a complete failure.
17. This defeat made Indians more aggressive in their boundary claims and gained the view that the federal government was still week.
18. The armies of the US were again defeated by the Indians.
19. Peace talks began with the Indians over the border disputes
20. An Indian conference demanded the Ohio River Valley the border between the US and Indians.
21. An armistice was set into place.
22-23. No agreement was made between the Indians and the Americans.
24. Tension towards Washington’s western policy became worse as France picked wars with all of Europe.
25. War with England as a result of the Indian cold wars was no longer a problem.
26. The soldiers were trained to wait for commands, obey them quickly, and not be shocked by a surprise attack.
27-28. After the Indian line broke they turned to England who in response closed their doors.
29-30. Victory was ours and US gained the Ohio river valley and soon, which the Louisiana Purchase would gain extreme amounts of land.


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