Julias Blog

Thursday, April 05, 2007

LAD #30- Brown vs. Board of Education

This court case challenged the separate but equal policies of segregation in schools. In Topeka, Kansas a third grader named Linda Brown, wanted to enroll into a white elementary school. On June 25, 1951 the case was argued that the black school could not match the curriculum of the white elementary school that Brown wanted to attend. The defenses argument was that the children will face segregation in adulthood. In the decision it was decided that the black children were unmotivated to learn if they were faced with inferiority. It was said that segregated schools went against the Fourteenth Amendment- equal protection under the law for all citizens. It overrode the decision in Plessy v Ferguson. The decisions that segregated schools were unconstitutional didn't outlaw segregation in other public places.


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